
All information on the website www.patentnerd.no belongs to Nerderiket AS, owned by Gro Katarina Andorsen. Please be aware that there may be errors on the website. Errors can be of technical or factual nature, or mere typing errors. This can of course be annoying but is caused by the fact that we are human 😊and therefore make mistakes.

The information on this website is not meant as legal or commercial advice and should not be used as such. In order to be able to give advice about your company, I need information about your situation. The information on this website does not necessarily suit your situation and should be used as general information only. Any tips and advice that appear on the website are primarily intended as inspiration to see a bigger picture when it comes to intellectual property, so that you know more about what could be useful to consider in your actual business.

Nerderiket AS is not responsible for others’ use of the information found on www.patentnerd.no.