EP validation in Norway

How we do it, in six short steps:

  1. You fill in necessary information in the form below.

  2. You receive a quote, necessary information about translation, and a PoA to be signed by the patent proprietor.

  3. If you decide to go ahead, you confirm in writing and return the signed PoA as well as any translation of description, as soon as possible.

  4. We translate the claims into Norwegian, submit the documents, pay the official fee and report back to you.

  5. You pay the invoice.

  6. Everyone is happy 😊.

Gro is experienced in both translating patent claims and submitting EP validations in Norway.

Photo: Mona Hauglid


Gro actually started her patent career as a freelance translator, and still enjoys translating. Since opening Nerderiket AS, Gro has so far translated 165 sets of patent claims submitted with NIPO.

Your EP validation is in safe hands with Nerderiket AS.

Official requirements

Language: If the EP publication is in French or German, an English translation of the description and of any text matter in the drawings, is required.

A Norwegian translation of the claims must always be filed.

Validation fee: The validation fee is the same, regardless of company size, number of claims etc. Currently the official fee amounts to NOK 7150,-

Power of attorney: If correspondence is to be sent to us (the local attorney), NIPO needs a PoA signed by the patent proprietor.

Request quote for EP validation in Norway

Fill out the form below, and you will receive our quote at latest the next working day.